Using Dashboard Switches with Command Feedback

When issuing a command it is usually necessary to get a acknowledgement of the command execution. For example when throwing a switch to turn a light on you would want to know that the action has been performed. If the action hasn’t been performed we can the try again either manually or automatically. Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]

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Splitting a Message Payload in Node-Red

This tutorial is part of a series of project tutorials I will be creating for beginners looking to get familiar with node-red by creating actual flows. In this simple project we will look at splitting a simple message payload, and then display the data in a text box and on gauges on a dashboard. The payload consists of a simple string containing temperature and humidity readings separated by a ampersand (&). Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]

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