Splitting a Message Payload in Node-Red

guageThis tutorial is part of a series of project tutorials I will be creating for beginners looking to get familiar with node-red by creating actual flows.

In this simple project we will look at splitting a simple message payload, and then display the data in a text box and on gauges on a dashboard.

The payload consists of a simple string containing temperature and humidity readings separated by a ampersand (&).


To split it we use the split method to split the string into an array.

The array will look like this [26.8,1024].

Next there are two main approaches to dealing with the data:

  • Place data in an Object
  • Assign data directly to message properties

Placing data in an Object

We place the data into a JavaScript object and assign to the payload before returning. The code is shown below.

var data=msg.payload;
var temp=data.split("&");
var out={};
return msg;

The output would look like this.


To display in a text box we change the value format form msg.payload to msg.payload.humidity as shown below.


To display on a gauge we need to insert change nodes to change as shown below:


Assign data directly to message properties

The second approach is simpler and we use a message property for humidity and temperature and now our codeĀ  looks like this :

var data=msg.payload;
var temp=data.split("&");
return msg;

To display it in a text box set the value format to msg.humidity instead of msg.payload.


However if you want to display it on a gauge then the value must be in the msg.payload field.

To do this we can use change nodes set as follows:


Both Approaches use the same nodes but they are configured differently. The flow look like this:


The dashboard like this:


The flows for both approaches are available to download below:

Related Tutorials and Resources

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  1. thank you very much for this tutorial. some of the documentation is hardly teaching this even in some online forum.

    Thanks again and more power

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